Monday, August 2, 2010

the literary arts group formerly known as...

"WILLA" has become
VIDA: Women in Literary Arts.

Their website has been relaunched:
And all the cool stuff i do as their "new media admin." (aka: social networky wenchy) is back online, too:

Among other amazing content en route, there'll be a new blog-blog (hosted on the site) come Sept., it's going to be called Her Kind after the Anne Sexton poem. It's going to be an exciting fall! And next year's AWP is going to be in my hometown of Washington, DC so i'm very excited to be on that rockstar party planning committee. Black Cat anyone?

(VIDA: Vaginas instigating devastating analysis? maybe? ok, i didn't come up with that and it is in no offic' capacity endorsed by the VIDAwomen!)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

premiere of meff 'n jojo's tiny instrument revue!

opening for the Slomski Bros.
August 12, 2010
(come at 8! drink absinthe!)

the venue is très "lying on the dancefloor of the Moulin Rouge, looking up the gilt undercarriages of the dancers' underskirts!"

Yes, you've seen then sitting in the stage shtetl of Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken you can hear them sing your favourite tunes about hard drugs from the 70's on charmingly miniature music-makers! Plus, they're both petite caricatures: punk rock foppish dandy and muppet flapper poetess-courtier.

get a load of all these pictures of an attractive nature! ~ tiny instruments' teasers

&if you care to see, more of my art ~ paintbox on flickr